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Rating walking apps available in Central Europe

I walk quite a bit and when I've heard there were a few apps that pay you some cents to do so, I was quite excited. Sadly, it turned out that nearly every single app reccomended here isn't available in Poland and, I assume, in the rest of the EU. Evidation, Weward, etc. - most of them are region locked. There's a handful that's not and, since I haven't seen a post about this yet, I wanted to compiled them (feel free to share your own if you know more!) in a single spot and give my honest thoughts about them.

Macadam (Refferal code: XJ6TK3, 0.5EUR)

I'm listing Macadam first for a reason - it's pretty much the only one that I don't have major gripes with. You get 25 points for every 2500 steps you walk (up to 20 000), with every step being worth roughly 0.05 cents. That's not that bad. Along with additional tasks you can do (achievements especially can make the first withdrawal a bit faster), you can get to the goal of 30000 points to withdraw 15EUR pretty quickly (in a few months). You can also withdraw larger sums but I have no idea why would you.

The app isn't without flaws, though, as withdrawal is only available through a bank (so no PayPal) and you have to manually verify your steps at the end of the day. If you forget by midnight - you can say goodbye to them, which happens sometimes and can delay getting that payout. You also only get them in 2500-step increments, so if you do 9900 steps - tough luck, thats 2400 steps down the drain.


StepBet is a bit different from other BeerMoney sites/apps I've used. The app really doesn't want to be called that, but it's basically "totally-not-gambling". The only difference is that, if you're consistent enough, the house doesn't always win (it just gives you a huge flat tax).

It works like that: you have to pay an entry fee to participate in a Bet with a few thousand other people. The fee is usually something around 40USD, but the amounts can vary. Then, you're given a "goal" and a "stretch goal" in steps (the stretch goal is usually about ~30% higher than your goal).

In my challenge, I had to reach three goals of 7400 steps and two goals of 9200 steps, with one rest day, every week, for five weeks. After five weeks, the pool of money created by everyone who joined is distributed among everybody who is left. In my case, after these five weeks, I got a little over 5USD. Not bad for a little walking, but there are downsides.

First - stress. If you fail even once, you're out. If, for whatever reason, you cannot walk for 6 days in a week, and a considerable distance too, you've lost 40 dollars. You can't opt out if you get ill, get hit by a car, or for whatever other reason. There's no refunds under any circumstances. This creates quite a stressful situation, especially if you're forced to use up your rest day in the middle of the week and then have to change up your schedule around having to walk additional miles. This usually wouldn't be a problem, but sometimes you geniuinlly just want to spend the Sunday chilling at home and resting.

Second - the amount of steps you have to do is always a little higher than the average from the past few weeks. I walked about ~6k average steps a week, so I had a goal of 7200. After these five weeks, my average went up to over 8k, so my previous stretch goal would become my new standard goal, with my stretch goal ballooning way past five-digits. This was a number that you couldn't just passively achieve by walking to uni and going on an occasional jog.

Third - premium subscription. For a low low price of 50 dollars anually you can get StepBet premium, which allows you to take 3 bets at once (instead of one), participate in exclusive bets (which, according to what I've read, tend to pay out more) and do bets that do not raise your step count in between them (or even lower it). While using the subscription could be a way to earn more money, you're increasing your risk of losing it by a ton too.

Overall, I quit after my first bet, because it was too much of a hassle for 5 dollars.


I'm not linking it, nor putting in any referral. I don't give a shit. This app uses its own tracker instead of something like Google Fit, so your phone's battery will be dead from having it run in the background. You can't pay out actual money or even a gift card, unless you luck out and it pops up in the shop or you win it in a raffle. They created some sort of a shitty cryptocurrency which is worth less than nothing. And even if you wanted to redeem a discount code or something, for some shitty product they have in their offer, you'd have to walk for it for ages.

They've also removed options such as being able to get premium-tiers that raised your step limit with Sweatcoins, yikes.

Apps I haven't tried because they look fishy:

  • Stepler (all comments say there's a ton of ads and it's impossible to reach withdrawal)
  • SNKRZ (crypto/NFT - I don't trust it)
  • Step App (looks like a bootleg version of the above lol)
  • Cashwalk but the name is in Korean (everything about it seems legit, but why is it in Korean???)
  • DEFIT (also crypto)

If you're brave/into crypto, you could probably try SNKRZ or DEFIT, they look legit, I just don't want to deal with crypto lol

submitted by /u/_W_I_L_D_
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/18cva70/rating_walking_apps_available_in_central_europe/

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