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MSR aka Measure Protocol has Become my 1st Recommendation for Beer Money

TL;DR at the bottom.

A little over a year ago I discovered MSR for myself, loved the service, and posted about it. Well my wife and I have both been using it consistently since then, and I figured I could give the community an update since I now have a lot more details about it (and some things have changed since then). It has since become the first app I recommend to friends and family who want to make some pocket cash.

MSR aka Measure Protocol is an app that advertises they ethically sell user information, typically screen time usage, purchase histories, phone homescreen layouts, etc. I say ethically because unlike websites that just track you automatically, this app has you record your information and submit it, so you are part of the process. That video is then stripped of identifying information according to their website. You in turn get paid a small amount for doing this.

Now why is it my first recommendation? Well it isn't the app that makes me the most money, but it is the most consistent and it is viable for people with busy schedules who can't leave a page open on UserTesting or other sites to swiftly compete over screeners. The weekly screen time "retro" (what they call these jobs to record information on your phone) drops every Sunday, expires on Saturday, takes about 2-3 mins once you get the hang of how they want it recorded (could take more depending on upload speed), and pays $1.50. Every single week like clockwork. Do it weekly for a month, you get a $4 bonus (they say that this is limited, but I've never not gotten it when I procrastinated until Saturday so... maybe a gimmick to encourage you to submit? Don't take my word on that though). When I first joined, they had a bunch of bonuses that seem to be discontinued, but even without them it still is a great way to make beer money.

On the vast majority of weeks, there is also a secondary retro to record things like your app purchase history, your home screen, your battery statistics, Amazon purchase history, etc. These are optional, so not doing them doesn't impact your $4 monthly bonus, and typically pay between $0.30 and $0.70. They are also just a hair shorter to record.

Last week, they announced they are adding a new type of retro task, involving privacy reports. May be a limited user thing at first since I got the invite but my wife didn't, and may be Apple only. No idea how much this will pay yet.

They do also partner for surveys, but full disclosure, I've stopped doing them. They don't pay as well or consistently as other options like Prolific, and sometimes what is screener and what is survey is blurred, but if their partner tries anything fishy, I've had a good experience reporting it to MSR and getting paid anyways. Ymmv.

And then there are referrals, which I want to be 100% open and honest about. If someone uses your referral code, you don't get a 1x payment. You get 20% of everything they earn, except bonuses (used to be you got that, but I think they stopped). This isn't a cut into your friend's earnings, so it isn't an MLM, but you just get a 20% equivalent boost to your account. Last year when I excitedly shared here, enough fantastic people in this sub used my code that my weekly earnings from referrals are still usually 2x or 3x that from me actually doing tasks myself. For which I'm very grateful.

Also, they removed the old fee for Paypal deposits! Paypal is now my personal go to, but they still have gift cards galore via Tremendous.

Now points of warning: MSR is very dedicated to making sure submissions are legitimate, and about 6 months ago got an AI to make sure people aren't duplicating accounts or sharing videos. This is a good thing, but it did ban some people accidently (my wife being one of them). They also are known to lock accounts that go inactive for a month (again, happened to my wife). When your account is locked, you can’t even withdraw previous earnings, which I don’t like. But if this ever happens to you, just email support. Both times they unlocked her account in a couple days.

TL;DR, Basic Information Breakdown:

Name: Measure Protocol (aka MSR)

Minimum Cash Out: $10 (also have $25 and $50 options)

Payment Type: Paypal, Gift Cards (iTunes, Amazon, included, lots of other options)

Type of Work: short "Retro" Recordings of phone usage, optional surveys, about to add Privacy Report retros

Earnings: Small but consistent. If consistent weekly, $10 month minimum + more for optional retros, surveys, and referrals (which are % based, not one time payments).

Referral Link

Non-Referral Apple Link

Non-Referral Google Play Link

submitted by /u/Decicio
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/ypuuf8/msr_aka_measure_protocol_has_become_my_1st/

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