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Mystery Shooping

So a couple years a go, i worked at 5 guys a resturant. We had a mystery shopper program where customers would come in, act as a customer, and basically review us. Couple weeks later, we would get a grade. They get paid to do this.

So my question is exactly how does it work? Do they pay me to use my own money? E.g i go to a store, spend my money, company pays me. Or do they pay me to shop and again for completing the job? E.g Company gives me money to shop, i complete my task, they pay me.

Because no matter how you look at it, theres little to know profit being made. Where i spend my money and they repay me or they pay me to shop and again for completing the task. The later i would be making but not the company who pays me.

Is this worth getting into? I dont have a pc atm and i want to earn side cash to invest into crypto.

submitted by /u/fckrddt01
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/mx055w/mystery_shooping/

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