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Sago Focus Group In My Home

I’ve done a few focus groups for this company over the last like 8 years (FPG/Schlesinger/Sago) but was just selected for one that’s an in-home interview, meaning they come to my home and do the interview.

All of my past experience has been at their facility so I was a little bit weirded out that 2-3 interviewers would be coming to my house to do this. It also includes a 30 minute “shop along” afterwards which I find kind of baffling based on the product.

Anyone have any experience with this format? I’m considering just canceling it based on the hassle and Sago’s notoriously slow payment process

submitted by /u/Full-Refrigerator757
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/1igtfdx/sago_focus_group_in_my_home/

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