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Survey/focus group site restaurant industry friendly??

Hi guys! I've been on a few survey/focus group sites applying for different opportunities to make some extra cash, and I feel like I just don't work in an industry that is targeted much and am wondering if I'm wasting my time. I'm a restaurant manager, and I've seen a few that I was super excited to apply for thinking there's NO way they'd turn me down and they have. (literally there was a survey that said "searching restaurant employees in [my major city] ages 21+!" and i got denied)

The general pop ones I don't even bank on because I'm sure hundreds of people apply (i do apply though!) Just wondering if anybody knows of any sites that I may have more success with? I've used Respondent, L&E Research and FocusGroups

I'm also fluent in Spanish and Russian, side note, incase that sparks any other ideas for things I could do to make extra bank.

submitted by /u/Familiar_Hat9720
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/1el8530/surveyfocus_group_site_restaurant_industry/

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