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Can you tell if the search query matches the landing page in this UHRS task in Toloka?

Been trying to complete the task as accurate as possible to the rules and guidelines, but i still have questions (this is to all those who use Toloka and did this task):

"Gold findings wholesale suppliers" and landing page shows a group of gold clasps for sale, what's the answer for this?

Another one is "office supply companies" and then page shows some office supplies for sale like stapler etc. is this alternate option or unrelated?

Also another one is when the search query is a name of tv show and the landing page is the sale of the dvd for the complete series or season one, for eg.

Search query: Game of Thrones

Page: GOT complete series DVD

which option is for this one? Will the option be different if the page showed "Game of thrones season one DVD" instead of full series?

submitted by /u/ace8995
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/14d6rm0/can_you_tell_if_the_search_query_matches_the/

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