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Course Hero Violation Issue

Hi guys!

I have been using Course Hero for 3 months now, and yesterday, I answered a $10 question from a student in the English Language category. The format of the question was messy, and I organized and provided answers in a clear manner just so it would be easier to follow. The student found my answer helpful after a few minutes of submitting my answer.

But then this is where the issue comes in, after 20 hours of submitting the answer, I was deemed as a violator for providing an incomplete or poor answer when I made sure that I have answered each question and even organized the questions and answers properly and the student even marked my answer as helpful.

My fellow tutors of Course Hero, is this normal? Have you also experienced the same thing? Kindly enlighten me as I find this unfair. I have also reported this to the Course Hero support.

submitted by /u/thejaycuevas
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/sv35wn/course_hero_violation_issue/

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