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The Giving of Thanks - Beermoney Edition

AS we head into the holiday season.. we often try to take a little time to count our blessings and be thankful for what we have and how we have gotten it. And thats true even if we are struggling still, but no we could be worse off.
With Thanksgiving coming up this week, I wanted to do a special post for the things Im thankful for in regards to beermoney.
I'm very thankful for this community as a whole (that includes this sub and the beermoney discord). When I started posting the "Who Paid You This Month" posts almost 6 years ago, I never expected that it would lead the outpouring of kind words and support I get from this community on a very regular basis. Hearing how I helped someone get through and my posts motivated them is better than all the money Ive earned from beermoney over the years

And the support encouragement I recieved from this community during my darkest times two years ago when I had my amputation and the recovery really helped keep my going.
The Programs and the Money
Obviously we are all here looking to make extra money.. whether thats for beer.. or to help keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths... its the reason we were drawn here originally. There are a lot of flaws in beermoney.. but thats not the point of this post. Im very thankful for all the programs that I have earned from over the years (well over 100 I believe) that have allowed me to worry less about finances. The beermoney grind has allowed my not to worry about how im going to pay my essential bills like rent, food and power. And its allowed me some extras at times too. And now its allowed me to start the transistion to trading.

Life has been more of a struggle since my illness. I got behind on everything and still havent caught up. I get frustrated at times. But Im very thankful for what I have. My house has issues... drafty.. leaky roof.. but its better than living under a bridge on cold snowy nights. I cant afford the best food.. But my belly is never hungry and so many people in this country and world cant say that. And beermoney has helped with all of this.  

Beermoney Mods
The mods here get some flak but they do a DAMN good job keeping this place clean from spammers and running well. They do everything they can to protect people from programs that are sketchy and scam. u/Mikazah and /u/threw_it_to_ground work tirelessly at this. And I consider them very good friends. I dont talk to them as much as I used to because my own life is hectic, but definitely am thankful for their work on this community and their friendship.
And speaking of friendships... Im thankful for the other ones Ive forged in the last few years. There are people that I talk to now on Facebook and discord etc on a regular basis that I consider friends that I met through this community. Lasting internet friendships that are just as good as any eye-to-eye friendships. A quote from the movie 'It's a Wonderful Life' says no man is a failure who has friends. Which means ill never be a failure.. and some days I truly need reminded of that.
'This Week in Beermoney" and Fishering
I am an extreme introvert. And the thought of doing a live show on the internet scared the Hell out of me. But /u/Fishering ripped my from my comfort zone when we did 12 live shows a few summers back. And while that is a distant memory, that experience is what convinced me I had that skills and ability to start live streaming my trading. And that has led to a Youtube and Twitch live stream 5 days a week for a few hours at a time and being comfy doing it. So Im very thankful for Fish for leading that effort and what its led to today.
No matter what our situation, we should all try to find a reason to be thankful for what we have. And there is nothing wrong with wanting more and working toward having more.. but also be thankful for where you are now. If you are reading this now, there are plenty of people who wish they could have what you do.. even if it seems like you dont have much.
I wish everyone here a very happy and healthy and safe and fun Thanksgiving. And I would love to hear what you are thankful for in terms of beermoney (or otherwise)

submitted by /u/themightyox
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/qz2275/the_giving_of_thanks_beermoney_edition/

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