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Side-hustles as a teen

Hey r/beermoney. Hope all is well.

I’m 15 going into sophomore year at my high school and I just recently started my first job at my local supermarket. I love it, and I’m very excited for my future in the workforce.

However, with this new job, is my new obsession of money! Not exactly spending it, but just I enjoy having enough to where if I feel like there’s something I really really want, I can buy it. This is where the side-hustle comes in.

That being said, my age and the trying times were currently living in somewhat get in the way. I’ve considered Wag/Rover (both 18+), Ebay flipping, dropshipping, but I do not know where to start.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/MittensRL
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/huib21/sidehustles_as_a_teen/

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