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$$ Craigslist Studies $$

Sorry this one is so short. Most of the surveys I found had expired recently.

Here are some craigslist studies going on right now. I plan to do these weekly. I do not post “Chances to win” as I believe that EVERYONE should be paid for their time so I only post ones where they pay everyone that qualifies. I sincerely hope this is appreciated as it does take me a bit to compile and sift through dead and garbage links and surveys. As always, if something sounds fishy, don’t do it. I can’t vouch for ALL the links.

PRO TIP: For Research Studies in Your area that pay in cash (there are often quite a lot so too long and too time consuming to post everything from each state here. Would take me all day) go to your craigslist site and type in "research" or "survey" and look under community, gigs or jobs.


$30 Amazon Homeowners

$20 Amazon Family Pets

$10 Amazon Banking Study

$40 Visa Shoplifting Survey

In Person

$100 Amazon Solar Homeowners -- San Francisco, CA

$100 Amazon Bladder Studies -- New Haven, CT

$25 Amazon Knee Study -- San Francisco

$10 Amazon UMBC Research -- Baltimore, MD

$10 Amazon Health Behaviors -- Seattle, WA

$50 Amazon Banking Services -- Toronto, CANADA

$175 Visa African American Car Owners -- Manhattan, NY

$50 Visa Tobacco Messages -- New Brunswick, NJ

submitted by /u/VeganMinecraft
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/cvhhfy/craigslist_studies/

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