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Payday App and decent paying UK sites

Hi all.

I'm from the UK and just starting my beer money journey.

I've just started using the payday gaming rewards app. There are some BIG promises of £500 for logging into a game each day for 4 months. Upon closer inspection the cash equivalent is actually only £200 per game, although I'm still happy with that. My concern is that the time required to play each day is definitely increasing with each passing day. Started at 2 mins and now it's up to 9 mins.

Anyone else used this app before? I'm now anticipating that after a month or two it'll be asking me to play for a ridiculous period each day in order to reach the daily play target - and I would assume - that is designed that way to push me through the 'continue to pay' pay wall...

Long story short, I'm looking to try and make a £8k swing in my finances. Obviously I'm not expecting super bucks from a single source, but I'm interested to know what you all have found to be the most successful streams of side income?

I've had a look at the FAQ and there are a few apps on there I'll give a try.

submitted by /u/DirtyRuscoe
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/1c5ivr0/payday_app_and_decent_paying_uk_sites/

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