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Do we use Paypal Tax ID or Individual beermoney site Tax IDs?

Went looking for my 1099 from Paypal as tax season is approaching in the US and didn't have one. Was under the impression they sent if you had over $600 of self employed income period, but based on further research it seems like you only get a 1099 if you make $600 or more from a SINGLE source, then they send it for that source specifically. In my case I only did this for about 2 months and made around 1k, but it was ~$500 from Dscout and ~$500 from UT.

As such, I have to self report the income and that's where I have a question. Am I reporting all of this against Paypal's Tax ID or do I need to divvy it up and report the total paid from Dscout against their Tax ID and the total from UserTesting against their Tax ID?

submitted by /u/RenatusNick
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/1atajnv/do_we_use_paypal_tax_id_or_individual_beermoney/

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