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Have Prolific Studies Been Shady to Anyone Else Lately, or Just Me?

I’ve been using Prolific for about a month now, and everything has been great until literally yesterday. There were two studies listed in my tasks that would pay .60 for three minutes. Then, once you actually opened up the studies and read the consent form, it said it would take 20 minutes to complete! There was no adjustment in pay for your time. So, naturally, I returned them and flagged them.

I completed a different study yesterday with no issues. Just this morning, I got a message from the researcher asking me to “return” the study. They didn’t list any concerns or questions. Just “return the study, please.” I completed the survey as requested, and I answered all attention checks throughout.

Anyone else have any shady business going on with Prolific, or is it just me? I’ve really enjoyed it so far, and I don’t want my account to be deactivated or anything like that.

submitted by /u/FrizzIsIn
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/15lfh0v/have_prolific_studies_been_shady_to_anyone_else/

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