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change password on testable minds?

Hello, I have a question. I recently updated my stuff on testable minds, a site that I haven't logged into for 3.5 years. I went to update my profile information and saw all sorts of strange things, a different name, different country, and several other details. so I fixed that up.

today my ID was verified (this wasn't something that had to be done when I used to use the site shortly after it opened) and then I went to validate my revolut account, and it was done automatically; it didn't ask me any details about my revolut account. I'm suspicious that this Carl Edge's revolut is now linked, but I have no way of find that out. so I sent a support ticket.

that said, I'm trying to change my password, and I can't figure out how - does that require a support ticket as well?

submitted by /u/jjharkan
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/xcb65y/change_password_on_testable_minds/

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