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Why don't I see a lot of people trying to make money as an employer at microjobs sites for freelancers? I've never tried it but I imagine there's some big obstacle for it not to be explored, I just couldn't see what it is. Most employers are bloggers who earn with adsense, people who usually spend more than 2 thousand dollars a day employing microtasks for people to enter the site and click on advertisements there. To spend that, you must have a nice profit. And per day.. So far, in these more than 1 month doing microtask, I didn't understand why there aren't more people doing it. The logic as I understand is: you pay 0,0300 cents for each person to enter your site and click on an advertisement. A microtask for a thousand people, paying 0,0300 cents, is around 28 dollars. I saw on a site that adsense can pay around 0,13 cents per click. Those thousand clicks would be 127 dollars. And that's already taking out taxes. (Most microworks sites has a good anti-fraud system, although it is not infallible in the matter of clicks on ads. However, it is impossible to falsify proof of access to the site; and to defraud proof of ad click is particularly dangerous) What is the biggest obstacle for this not to be better known? Is it because I'm bad at math and don't understand adsense? Is it illegal?

submitted by /u/incelasfuck
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/vqxnmw/adsense_and_microjobs_as_employer_whats_the/

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