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Prolific Survey (Is Prolific not as prolific as it once was?)

So when I first joined the Beer Money sub, I joined Prolific, Appen, and attempted to join MTurk. (Emphasis on attempted.). Out of the two I actually joined, I have only done 1 thingy for Appen (that I think got me $10 or $20). I am obviously stupid, because I cannot figure appen out to save my life. ANYWAY, ON TO THE POINT.

I would sit on prolific and refresh constantly. I was trying to find surveys as soon as they would load. And I know that Prolific automatically refreshed itself; the refresh rate was too slow, surveys would fill up between me hitting refresh! I guess this is going to hurt my success, but Prolific seems to have less people participating in Surveys now. Surveys DO fill, but I saw a $4 (pound) survey that needed 50 people actually SIT there. (And yes, I know it could have been a survey with a very specific set of requirements, but STILL, I have never seen that before!)

In ONE DAY I was able to make twenty pounds! And that's a lot in real money! (Joking!) So maybe if you folks want to, pop into Prolific and try your hand at it again. If this post makes it super high and lots of people listen to me, then it will kinda screw me, but still. It's kinda at the point that I'm worried that Prolific will go down from inactivity.

If you hop back on Prolific after being away and see some $ coming your way, let a brotha know!

submitted by /u/Gonadatron
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/mhb2sn/prolific_survey_is_prolific_not_as_prolific_as_it/

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