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Opinion Rewards - Lower Frequency - Possible Reason

Has anyone noticed that with less ads viewed, there are less surveys?

Previously with something like perktv or swagbucks running, it would give me a few surveys each week to tailor my demographics such as am I working or not. Nowadays I get one a month asking something random.

Maybe I'm wrong though. I do not get any location surveys anymore. Covid-19 basically destroyed that even though I am going out daily. I'm in Australia.

I estimate my future earnings to be around $1.20 a year. I am not sure whether it is worthwhile keeping this app.

Alternatively, it is possible they already have enough information about me, and therefore have stopped asking questions. That's the most logical reason...

submitted by /u/Bulky_Bit_7100
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/ko3tmx/opinion_rewards_lower_frequency_possible_reason/

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