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I'm getting blocked due to vpn/proxy but I'm not using any. What can I do to troubleshoot the problem?

As the title says, I started noticing a lack of surveys as of lately but kinda brushed it off "meh maybe it's just a slow moment"

A couple days ago sadly I was blocked from yoursurveys for using a proxy and another survey provider always DQs me for "VPN usage" so now I believe that the general lack of offers is caused by this alleged proxy

My question is, since I'm not using any proxy or VPN, what can I do to understand the problem?

what i know is:

I'm a long time DNS user and that shouldn't really matter. I also don't have an antivirus software (beside the windows defender) and do not have any software which interferers with the network

any idea?

submitted by /u/she_gave_me_a_rose
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/jhv65n/im_getting_blocked_due_to_vpnproxy_but_im_not/

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