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Hivemind wants me to upload a selfie of myself with my ID card...safe or no?

My gut is on not safe. I filled out a screener for a study they're running. Never heard I got in, but they sent me the same screener again and I filled it out again. Today someone called me and they went over the study/project information and asked me all the screener questions again.

But then they said they had emailed me a link where I should upload a selfie of myself holding my state ID card, along with some stuff related to the study topic. I hadn't received the email so they said they would send me another (haven't received that either.) If they do send it should I send that picture? That doesnt feel like something that's legit, but I haven't being doing things like studies or focus groups in my beer money making before.

submitted by /u/Rainingcatsnstuff
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/j2xsr9/hivemind_wants_me_to_upload_a_selfie_of_myself/

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