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[PSA] Gamehag - You will start losing points after 30 days of inactivity

Gamehag now requires users to complete tasks every 30 days or you will lose your points on a weekly basis. They put out some made up story, but you have to digg into their new ToS to find any details (not to mention I didn't receive an email about this...)

  • If you don't complete tasks for 30 days, you will lose 50 gems every 7 days.

  • If you do not complete tasks for 7 days, you will no longer receive daily logins, you will only get 10% of the gems for creating articles, and you will not get gems for voting or reporting posts.

submitted by /u/Mikazah
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/hs8ywk/psa_gamehag_you_will_start_losing_points_after_30/

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