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JobSpotter: more changes to how it works?

I’m home sick and can’t get out for probably a few days to check this out. So JobSpotter used to be where you could take a photo of each “help wanted” sign once per month to get paid. Then it changed to once per day. But I just noticed when checking the app that I submitted a sign of a Meijer store on December 2 and got paid, then submitted a pic of the same Meijer on December 4 and got rejected for it being a duplicate. Like I said I can’t go out to check at the moment by taking yet another photo and seeing if that one gets rejected as a duplicate or not, so can anyone tell me if they changed yet again with no warning and are back to being one submission per month per business? I hope not. My earnings will plummet if so.

submitted by /u/lisa197
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/e6iyq0/jobspotter_more_changes_to_how_it_works/

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