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Simple survey paying site recommendation: EpollSurveys :) Would love your recommendations as well!

As many of you know, there are many many ways to make money online through survey sites. Personally, I find it difficult to devote sufficient time for these sites so I really do appreciate it when I am able to find straight forward and simple sites. My post here is a recommendation for Epoll Surveys. This site is a very simple and no fuss survey site that sends out about 1-3 surveys a month with points varying from 350 - 1000 (usually 500) and with very rare disqualifications. The surveys consist of about 25 or so questions usually pertaining to TV shows or Celebrity personalities. Occasionally they will send out high paying surveys for watching a specific program which covers a small gift card such a $5 Amazon gift card. They also do PayPal in addition to many other gift card choices.

I have been a member of this site for about 7 years so I really wanted to show my appreciation for this site. Its not a huge pay but it really does add up if you save. An easy $5 a month if you are consistent with your surveys. I would love to hear about any other survey websites that work in a similar manner such a Epoll surveys. Hope this helps out some people. If anybody has any questions I'll do my best to answer!

If you're interested here are signup links below. :) If you'd like to show me some love use my referral link :)

referral link: https://join.epollsurveys.com/SHG?source=3355525

Non-referral link: https://www.epollsurveys.com/epoll/clients/signup.htm

FAQ info here: https://www.epollsurveys.com/epoll/clients/faq/faq.htm?cid=-2

submitted by /u/psychstudentsammich
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/d8pq69/simple_survey_paying_site_recommendation/

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