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$100($25x4) UpVoice Amazon USD Giveaway!

Prizes on behalf of: UpVoice


  • 4x $25 Amazon.com Gift Cards


UpVoice has offered to sponsor a giveaway for qualified beermoney subscribers. You must have posted in /r/beermoney prior to today and within the last 12 months. Click here to check your recent activity.

Removed posts/comments, giveaway entries, referral chains, and other low effort or off topic posts/comments do not qualify. Leave a top level comment below to enter the giveaway. To ensure that we can accurately choose a random winner, please do not post replies or discuss UpVoice below. Make a new thread if you would like to discuss UpVoice.

The giveaway will end on September 7, 2019

Here's some information about UpVoice:

UpVoice is the user panel of an innovative market research firm that helps top brands make better marketing decisions. By being an active member of our panel community, you are making a direct impact on how multi-billion dollar corporations promote their brands online.

How does it work?

  1. Go to joinupvoice.com and sign up to see if you qualify.
  2. Install the UpVoice Chrome extension and get a signup reward ($5 value).
  3. Continue using your favorite social media websites. When you browse through our participating sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Amazon, we anonymously collect data from the ads you see and give you daily tokens in return.
  4. Redeem your tokens for a selection of e-gift cards, including Amazon.com & prepaid Visa card.
  5. Complete periodical surveys and earn even more.

Nothing special is required. After the UpVoice chrome extension is installed (and you stay logged in) you go about your daily tasks and never think about this app again, well…until you want to cash out!

Note: The moderators do not profit at all from this giveaway. We do this all for you guys. Stickying and posting this giveaway does not indicate endorsement or any affiliation with the above mentioned company.

Leave a comment below to enter this giveaway! Winners will be chosen completely randomly with a script we've had written and verified for us. We'll make another post when the giveaway is over that will name all the winners.

submitted by /u/Threw_it_to_ground
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/cy5fwl/10025x4_upvoice_amazon_usd_giveaway/

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