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Anyone really familiar with MyPrepaidCenter?

My employer has a reward program and it pays out in Visa Giftcards purchased through MyPrepaidCenter. We're a big corporation and it's the way it is. Requesting alternate forms of payment is just an option that's within my capacity at my level.

I currently have a few of these things and really I just want to convert them to cash. I have one that I've had so long it expired and that's another issue.

1.) How do I get ahold of an actual human to get the card replaced and if I do is it usually helpful or is it just some callcenter in India that can't help and follows a script? The card is expired so the phone system kicks me out everytime I try an automated method BUT the remaining funds ($488) show on my account.

2.) For the other good cards I have has anyone had experience converting these to cash even if you take a hit? I am getting these in $250 and $500 denominations and so even taking a hit of $25 or something in fees is fine because I'm still walking away with $225 or $475 which I don't have. Additionally these are spendable so they are recorded by my employer as taxable benefits which is appropriate. I'm paying taxes on stuff I can't really convert to cash and that's just silly.

I tried to find another more appropriate subreddit for GiftCards but couldn't. I saw a few posts in the past here regarding MyPrepaidCenter so I'm taking my shot here. The main r/GiftCards subreddit is approved posters only.

submitted by /u/WhatsAMainAcct
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/1j1ynd3/anyone_really_familiar_with_myprepaidcenter/

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