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Weekly Google play points, is there a strategy??

A while bsck i remember reading something about google doing a study to see if there was any correlation between the way a user uses the screen to accept the free google play points and how eager they were to get points.

What i read didn't really resonate with me until a few weeks ago. I was passenger in a friends car and opened the page to claim my points just as we arrived at a friends house who was outside and i got distracted. Normally these points aare claimed on fridays, this was a day or two later. Distraction caused a gap of several minutes before asking them tapping the prize to open it. First and only time I've ever gotten 500 play points.

I've been taking advantage of the Google play points every Friday for about a year now. Any other week its a few points, usually under 15. Now i keep wondering if a study really happened and if some algorithm was made to keep desperate players wanting more while rewarding nonchalant players in hopes they use the points and develop a habit of buying play points. Anyone else notice something like this happening? I definitely plan on paying more attention and trying different timing to see if there's a noticeable pattern somewhere. Tia!

submitted by /u/SeaworthinessTime631
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/1if06ze/weekly_google_play_points_is_there_a_strategy/

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