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Amateur social media manager seeking advice

Hey guys, my sister has loosely offered me a job as her social media manager/ potentially virtual assistant. She has a small business in fashion, and needs me to create reels and posts (she provides pix/videos and I edit). She also wants me to do engagement and help grow her account. If it works out well, she may also need help with things like trip planning, product research, scheduling, etc.

I had a couple instagram accounts that I've grown substantially, and edit videos regularly, so I'm comfortable with that part of the job. I'm also pretty good at admin stuff.

My questions are:

How should I be charging her? By per reel or per hour? Per month? How much should I be charging? I'm in Vancouver, Canada. While I have some experience, I've never had this as a real job before .. I don't mind taking slightly less to get my foot in the door.

Is this a terrible idea, going into business with family? What are some things we should discuss/ agree on beforehand?

Any and all advice welcome!

Thanks in advance:)

submitted by /u/acwy321
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/1f142hz/amateur_social_media_manager_seeking_advice/

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