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Site/server blocker potentially blocking new studies from Prolific

I'm trying to do some studies on Prolific at work when I have some down time, but I'm not receiving any. I think this is because of the site/server blocker that my company uses. When I get home and check Prolific on my desktop, it's very clear that I have some available, and I still receive emails throughout the day saying I have new studies available. If this is the case, normally the Prolific site as a whole would be blocked, which is odd because I can still access the website. Maybe it's because I'm trying on a computer that I've never used Prolific on before. I contacted support, and the only useful thing they said was "as you say, there's likely a block at your workplace".

Has any else experienced an issue like this before? A solution would be nice as well, even if it's just a general solution to blocked sites. Nonetheless, thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/darkith52
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/153z9db/siteserver_blocker_potentially_blocking_new/

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