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Could any of your "beer money" work be made easier with software?

Hey everyone,

I'm a web developer looking to start a new side project and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for software that might be useful for your beer money work?

I have a pretty bad habit of writing software that I think would be good rather than approaching people and asking what they would actually like. I was kind of hoping to change that this time and see if there's anyone out there that I could actually build something useful for?

I originally posted this question in the r/smallbusiness subreddit but I've hit a bit of a dead end there unfortunately. I thought this might be an interesting subreddit to try asking to see if there were potentially some "beer money" tasks that could be made more efficient if I had the time to put something together for others to use?

Thanks for taking the time to read through this!

submitted by /u/SuperDooperX
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/uy3lgg/could_any_of_your_beer_money_work_be_made_easier/

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