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Free ice cream + italian ice, free protein waffles/pancakes, free chicken, free bottle of hot sauce, free coffee/vegan food!

Hey everyone! It's been a long time since I've posted here (tbh I'm trying to cut down my reddit/social media use lately, most of my posts in my subreddit are autogenerated via a bot I created), but I just saw r/beermoney broke 1 million users! I remember when I first came across this subreddit in late 2015 it was maybe like 70k or something, so it's exciting to see how much this sub has grown.

Anyway, to celebrate I rounded up all the recent free food deals I've found recently.

Free small vanilla ice cream from Dairy Queen on March 21

To celebrate the beginning of spring, DQ is resuming its annual free cone day on March 21. Stroll in for a free small soft serve vanilla ice cream cone.

Weirdly I haven't been able to find an official announcement from DQ about this but various third parties have said they've received confirmation from DQ PR reps.

Free Italian Ice from Rita's Italian Ice, March 20-27

Here are the instructions from the official announcement

  1. Download our app on or before March 20th. (iOS, Android)

  2. Create your account.

  3. Anyone who has an active account on March 20th will receive a Free Ice reward!

  4. Have your reward pulled up on the app before jumping in line.

  5. Enjoy your Free First Day of Spring Ice!

Free protein waffle/pancake mix from Kodiak Cakes through April 30

Kodiak recently had a giveaway, and all giveaway entrants got a coupon for a free box of protein flapjack and waffle mix valid up to $6.99. The giveaway ended, but turns out they are still sending out coupons!

They require you to join their email list to get the coupon link but here’s the direct link to the coupon so you don't need to deal with spam

$10 of free food from Pollo Campero

Sign up for the Pollo Campero rewards club and download their mobile app (Android/iOS), and get $10 credit for food!

Official announcement

Free Bottle of Korean Sauce from Kpop Foods

Kpop foods makes various Korean sauces, and they’re offering a free bottle of your choice! Here’s how:

  1. Use their locator to find a store that carries their sauces

  2. Upload the receipt within 14 days of purchase here (they want you to input your email or phone number to get this link, I made the sacrifice to get the direct link so you don’t have to)

  3. They will reimburse you for the full purchase price via PayPal or Venmo

Official announcement

Free plant-based food/drinks from Peet's coffee through March 31

Peet’s Coffee just introduced a spring menu lineup of entirely plant-based items (e.g. oatmilk lattes, and I think some vegan food options too). As a promotion they’re offering the following:

New Peetnik Rewards members can enjoy a free plant-based item when they download the Peet’s app, and enter promo code “PLANTSRULE” at enrollment from March 9 – 31. Additionally, existing members can enjoy double points on all plant-based food and beverage items4 from March 9 – 15.

Official announcement

submitted by /u/tubularjohnny
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/tcjf4f/free_ice_cream_italian_ice_free_protein/

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