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Based on all of the User Test/ Interview/ Survey style options that exist out there, I wonder if there is a scope for a much more simplified app variant to get mass consumer opinions easily and quickly.

I have completed countless User tests and surveys and have come across many tests that are very short and simply opinion-based. E.G. “Do you prefer Logo 1, or Logo 2”, “Do you prefer landing page 1 or landing page 2”. Some of these still have the same payout ≈$10, for literally a minute or two. In my opinion, a lot of the shorter and lower-paying survey sites suck - terrible UI, feel spammy.

Many times, companies do not always need the details of why an option is preferred. They may only require broader opinions on a few options/ demos. More detailed opinions come in the form of a longer, more in-depth focus group or face to face studies.

I have been thinking there is scope for an app to exist that companies upload very short preference-based tests for consumers to quickly give opinions through polls or swiping, and in return receive a much smaller comp. Say $0.50 for each poll or so.

I wonder if some of these insights, on mass (assuming more users than those willing to do longer surveys), would be of great benefit to companies. This could be an easier and simpler way for people like those in this group to stack the pennies and be attractive to those put off by longer surveys, whilst saving money for the company, compared to longer in-depth studies that are expensive to run.

The app would have need a really clean UI and make it very simple to click onto an opinion survey and just rattled through a few preferences, which would then shoot back the metrics to the company.

Do you have any thoughts or insights on this idea?

---- TLDR; opinion or preference based poll app, companies upload quick short opinion task, consumer answers quickly. Easy to use app with quick small payouts could create more opinions on mass.

submitted by /u/ellohwhen
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/o4um90/quickfire_survey_idea/

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