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2 years after browsing r/beermoney and similar reddits. A Thank You.

Hey guys.

Just wanted to share my story as a thank you for everyone here.

Almost 2 years ago I was working at a rather crappy call center at a job I absolutely hated, looking for little ways to boost my income. I was already an ebay top seller at the time as well but my sales had stagnated due to me having to work more and more at my job and I was wanting to work more from home due to the fact I had a kid. (Now 2 as of this year)

I start browsing this subreddit one night at like 2am. Found some links and start applying to everything I can. Mturk, appen, brainiac, grubhub, etc. I also was able to find apps like Steady.

2 years later, I've gravitated to using primarily Grubhub and Instacart as my main income, Doordash for extra. Mercari saved my business pre-covid due to how much cheaper and easier to deal with it was. It sounds like a lot but I've started to almost double my annual revenue from my call center job and work maybe half.

Are there tons of other stuff that works? Absolutely! I personally never could get stuff like appen or mturking to work for me, but I have friends who do use them and use them well.

Are there problems with the apps? Ofcourse! A jobs still a job. But doing research into said jobs by applying and trying them out hurts no one but your own wallet if you don't at least try.

Why stop here? As a result of all of this, I've actually managed to start getting certified in various cyber security and blockchain based techs and am looking for a new career. I also have learned my price tag and what im willing to deal with for what. Im also trying to plan a youtube series to help explain in great detail how these apps operate but im not very camera prone (always been the guy behind the camera)

Like everything, you need to do your own research into certain things to understand where you need to direct your attention. I wasted a lot of time on some get rich quick things I've seen but ultimately I've gotten a stronger understanding of what works and what doesn't by trial and error and it paid off.

Thats all I wanted to say, keep doing what you guys do and make that money!

submitted by /u/dav_ooh
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/k2qm0c/2_years_after_browsing_rbeermoney_and_similar/

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