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RewardShopping Rewards Catalog cannot be found

Hello everyone, I'd like to know if any of you might know this website called RewardShopping and could give me some advice. I am currently at XP Level 3 with around 600 Reward Points in my RewardShopping account balance.

When I go to the page to set a reward goal, I can see that I have already unlocked Reward Tier 1 and Reward Tier 2, but I try to click on these 2 purple banners and there are no rewards to browse or choose from.

With the first 2 XP Levels and their respective Reward Tiers unlocked, I thought I should be able to at least click on the Tiers in the Rewards Catalog to be shown some of the available rewards to set a reward goal first. Does anybody have any ideas on this issue? For the record, I don't have adblock or whatever enabled.

Might it be because I have less than 1,000 Reward Points so I can't view the Rewards available? Do any of you know how many Reward Points equal $1 Paypal/ Amazon Gift card?

I'm confused about this problem and I'm asking on here because their Help and Support page could not be found; Error 404 page.

I'd like to know if this has happened to anyone else before, if it applies to you, and if I could get any advice or help at all, I'd be very grateful. Thank you in advance!


submitted by /u/LesleyTS
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/imb346/rewardshopping_rewards_catalog_cannot_be_found/

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