Receipt scanning can be worth doing (round 2)

I had another good grocery haul yesterday. I didn't have too great of Ibotta bonuses this week (last week had some amazing bonuses but I missed them...). Thankfully, there were some nice printable coupons and I was able to pair up some deals with Fetch and Shopkick.

Overall it's a smaller haul than last time, but there is much more this time that I'll actually use.


Total spent: $30.13

Coupons: $4.75

Total Cash Back: $28.10

Final Cost: -$2.72

Photo of the haul.



↔ There are seven columns. Mobile users may need to scroll. ↔

Item Price Ibotta Fetch Shopkick Coupon Total
Malt O Meal Peanut Butter Cups 0.001 1 -1.00
Malt O Meal Honey Nut Scooters 0.001 1 -1.00
Kashi Go 2.74 0.5 2.24
VeggieCraft Pasta 2.98 2.98 0.00
Country Crock Stick Butter 2.98 2.98 1.40 1 -2.40
Poise Active 26ct 4.84 2 2.00 0.84
Always Pads 3.97 2 1.97
Silk Heavy Whipping Cream 4.28 2 2.4 1 -1.12
Seeds of Change Sizzle Starter 2.86 2 0.86
Dixie 2.46 1.25 0.75 0.46
Suave Professionals 3oz 0.97 0.09 1.6 -0.72
Suave Body Wash 2x 0.97 1.8962 0.04
6% Tax 0.11 0.11
Ibotta $3 for 9 rebates 3
Total 30.13 20.71 1.986 5.40 4.75 -2.72

↔ There are seven columns. Mobile users may need to scroll. ↔

1. The Malt O Meal are paid for by this FlavorWiki deal.

2. Make sure to ring up the two body washes on separate receipts! It seems the $0.97 bottles don't show up right on Fetch, so I had to correct my receipt.

You can also get a bit more from apps that take any receipt like Coinout, ReceiptHog, etc, but I don't include those in my calculations.


Other Deals

If you wanted to make this even more of a money maker, you could swap out the Kashi and the Always Pads. They are regular staples around my home, so it was a no brainer to get them. You could also take out the Suave Body Wash. I usually won't do non-money making deals for stuff I don't normally use, but for such a low cost I decided to grab them.


Here are a few other deals you might be interested in:

  • VeggieCraft Pasta - Checkout51 has a $3 rebate this week. Swagbucks does as well for certain stores.

  • Gillette Antiperspirant or Deodorant - Supposedly this works on the trial size so you can get it for free. Our store was sold out so I couldn't try it.

  • Ponds Rejuveness - Costs $1.47 | $1.20 back from Shopkick. (I found this with the travel items near the cosmetic section.)

  • Brownie Brittle - Costs $2.88 | Shopkick has $0.80 back (bonus $0.65 if you buy two), and Coinout has $0.75 back.

  • Seeds Of Change - These are 50% off (although the Sizzle Starters is more than 50% if you get certain ones). The 2 minute marinade comes to $1.50 after the rebate and the Perfect For seasonings come to $1. If you get any two rebates, you will get an extra $0.50 bonus.

  • Free box of Oat Cheerios when you buy two family size boxes of cheerios. (If you regularly eat Cheerios, you could even pair that with the FlavorWiki project for even more cash back.)

  • Checkout51 has a free sample of Persil ProClean Original Disc. You can get it on the app, and you just need to give them your address.

  • Tide - $2 printable coupons on Pgeveryday. Lots of stores around here have tide for cheap right now. Last week I got those huge containers for under $7/bottle with the coupon.

  • Various Ibotta freebies. These vary by account to some extent, so you'll just have to take a look to see what you have.



Honestly, this week was a complete mess for me. I'm surprised it was even a money maker in the end. Half the things I went to the store for ended up being sold out, and two deals expired (I swear they said they had another day...). I printed at least 3 of the wrong coupons. Plus, I forgot to ring up my Suave Body Wash separately so I ended up having to stop by the service desk on my way out the door. I was also a bit disappointed that didn't have any Any Item or any eligible Any Brand rebates this week. That being said, I did get lots of things I can use, and I'm really looking forward to trying out the Silk Heavy Cream Alternative and the Country Crock sticks.


How did you guys do this week?

submitted by /u/Mikazah
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