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WTF KeepRewarding? Hideout.tv points locked for over a month? [Originally posted on r/KeepRewarding]


Title says (asks?) it all.

I just redeemed 12,477 points from hideout.tv to KeepRewarding since it has a higher payout than Earnably. I see that the points are locked and pending, but it takes over a month to process?

Please tell me this is just a worst-case-scenario type deal, and that they'll be redeemable sooner than August 3rd.

Has anyone else experienced this? Do they reward the points sooner? I know Earnably is instant, and had I known I'd possibly be waiting over a month for my points, I would've stuck with them.

I posted this on r/KeepRewarding, but for some reason Reddit wasn't showing beermoney on my communities for a crosspost, so I'm doing so manually.

submitted by /u/hoghammertroll_
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/c4zoqh/wtf_keeprewarding_hideouttv_points_locked_for/

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