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I made $1211.63, solely because of methods I found on this subreddit.

Hello all! Recently I stopped doing all of the 'beermoney' side gigs due to me finally turning 16 and being able to get a real job. Now that it is all over with, I took the time to finally track how much I've made over the past 2 years or so.

Microworkers - $733.10

UserTesting - $173.00

RedBubble $305.53

This all sums up to $1211.63... Not a bad amount for someone starting out at 13 years old in his bedroom.

I just wanted to share what I've earned because all of this is from the community I discovered here and I cannot thank all of you enough for what I have learned here.

If you're wondering why I quit doing these gigs, now that I'm older and have more freedom in life I believe I can make a ton more just going outside and seeking work considering I live in NYC. If I was still lacking the opportunity I once did however, I would continue this journey as it was decent spending money.

For a full view of what the payout was for each site every time I got paid, you can view the spreadsheet here

Thanks again and good luck on your hustle!

submitted by /u/graviiity
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/c4pd63/i_made_121163_solely_because_of_methods_i_found/

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