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WordPress website: income through ads still a good idea?

Hey guys, did you ever have a wordpress blog or a wordpress website and run ads on them to earn money? I have ofcourse seen multiple sites like this. I am thinking of creating something similar and have a fanbase around and build that site for a big future. I am actually only thinking of posting photos, as my writing skills are not so good. However, do you guys think: is it something of an easier option for me to put ads and upgrade and run a wordpress premium website to have an income?

I am targeting to have something like 500 visitors a month. (Initially) Would you think this will generate any money from the ads like Adsense or Wordads?

submitted by /u/_sourish
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/bjidox/wordpress_website_income_through_ads_still_a_good/

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